Note: For the online speech competition, please choose one of the topics listed below for round
1. If you are selected for Round 2, you must choose a different topic compared to what you submitted in round 1.
Best of Luck!
1. Inspiration from Prophet Muhammad SAW for the COVID-19 pandemic. |
2. How was Bilal (RA) treated – Lessons for dealing with Racism in 21st century America. |
3. Surah Asr – Lessons for time management during lock-down. |
4. How to seek Allah’s protection? |
5. How can I be proactive at eliminating racism? |
6. Peer pressure and how to balance being “cool” in front of my friends and responsible in front of Allah. |
7. Should I broadcast my Muslim identity or keep my religiosity private? |
8. My relationship with the Quran. |
9. My parents, my opportunity. |
11. Serving others and the road to Jannah. |
12. What should Muslims do to stand for social, economic, and political equality in the USA? |
13. What should Muslims expect from the next President of the USA? |